Monday, March 23, 2020

Crochet Pattern 2

Ok. The last time, I talked about how much patterns cost & how some designers just will not help, no matter what. Some make the pattern so ridiculously complicated. I've come across a few that say they're beginner friendly;  but should be for advanced crocheters only!  I would like to post one such pattern but afraid I would get into trouble for doing so. Anyways,  onto other subjects; like cooking. I know not everyone can cook. I'm a somewhat retired cook. I say somewhat retired, because once a cook always a cook, you can't get away from it! If interested. I have a ton of recipes & would be more than happy to share one with you. Stay safe & see ya on the flip side.


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Crochet Hook Case

Hello again everyone. Twisted D here again to bring you another free crochet pattern. I really, really needed a new hook case so I started l...